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mount meru中文是什么意思

用"mount meru"造句"mount meru"怎么读"mount meru" in a sentence


  • 须弥山


  • The buddha has taught that the blessings of becoming a monk are higher than mount meru a very high sacred mountain in india , deeper than the bottom of the sea , and more extensive than the firmament . " do you know how big the firmament is , how limitless is the sky
  • It may be likened to a man who enters a totally dark house in which he can see nothing , who falls into the pitch - black pit of hell . the result of this may be likened to all the rivers emptying into the ocean , thus sins accumulate within his being . it is like the great conflagration , which occurs at the end of a world eon when majestic mount meru is reduced to flame and ashes
用"mount meru"造句  


For the equivalent central mountain in Buddhist cosmology, see Sumeru
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